F U T U R E   I S R A E L


Dear reader!

Hardly there will be in Israel even one man preferring war (as civil, and between the peoples) world. We miss only " in small ": what ways to achieve the world and consent by?

Offered to your attention the text: "Socio-cultural programming (To the concept of the program "Cultures of the world " for all world and for Russia)" is devoted to discussion to the decisions of this question. The authors (Prof. Mark Ratz, Dr. Larissa Kravtchenko and Dr. Anatoly Piskoppel) known in the World methodologists, develop the Concept and Program of Culture of the world (KM), which first ideologist, apparently, has acted F.Major by.

KM rejects both ideology " of the besieged fortress ", and concept " the world at any cost " - as not constructive, not supplied neither by Idea, nor by activity. But KM is and not " the third way ", not "golden mean": " how many you are ready to pay for the world? " And certainly, KM cannot be identified with inactive "wisdom", caring about own rest: " and you are right, wife mine! ", or with an image, popular in determined circles, " mister no ". From the point of view of methodology all these habitual variants appear as placing beside inside the same type of thinking and consequently, in its framework, and it is impossible to prefer any of them. They differ only ethnic, religious, national paints, that is that never served and can not serve to association and formation of the people in conditions polyethnos and polyculture. KM assumes introduction of a uniting beginning as other - unscientific, not design, not subject - such as thinking and in this connection - reconsideration of many concepts which have simply ceased to work in new reality, and you see just concepts and the pictures of the World determine our relations to the World and behaviour in it. At the same time, KM does not reject values of communities and does not conduct to their absorption or destruction.

We believe, it will be interesting to the participants of the Project to familiarize with rather new ideas, which the study and development during discussions can benefit to our country and World.

Organizing committee

The complete text on Russian